inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH
Hebelsteinstraße 5
78247 Hilzingen
t +49 7731 9757-0
f +49 7731 9757-10
@ info(at)
Registry court:
Amtsgericht Freiburg, HRB541493
VAT-Identification number:
Managing Partner:
Hermann Püthe
Responsible for the content in terms of § 6 MDStV:
Hermann Püthe, Managing Partner
Important note
inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH periodically checks and updates the information provided on this website. Despite our caution, data may have been altered in the meantime. Therefore, we cannot assume liability or guarantee the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information made available. The same applies to all other websites that are referred to via hyperlink.
inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH is not responsible for the contents of the websites that are visited via such a link. Furthermore, inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH retains the right, to change or modify the information that has been made available.
The contents and structure of the websites are protected by copyright. The copying of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or pictorial material requires the prior consent of inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH.
Safety note
We endeavour to take all the necessary technical and organisational store measures to store your personal data so that they are neither accessible to third party nor to the public. Should you wish to contact us by email, we would like to point out that we cannot fully guarantee the confidentiality of the information transmitted in this manner. Therefore, we recommend that you send us confidential information exclusively by post.
Links and Banners
In order to provide additional information, our website contains links that refer to websites of third parties. inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH has no influence on the contents and the design of these sites. The warranties of this data protection declaration do not apply to these sites.
If you exit our website via a link or by clicking a banner advertisement and thus access other websites, cookies may be set by the addressee of the clicked target site. We are not legally responsible for these cookies. Should you wish to use these cookies and the information saved in them through our web partner, please refer to their respective declarations regarding data protection.
Additionally, we do not adopt the content of third party references or links clicked, and we dissociate from illegal contents.
References for pictures and graphics:
©Mimi Potter/
©stockphoto mania
©Alex White/
Adobe Stock